It's been months since I even thought about sitting down to blog. Kids have grown a lot, & been very active. Brooke & her boyfriend had the Fall Ball, Christmas was amazing, Brooke turned 15, Rachel turned 10, and we are ready for spring break. Ron & I couldn't be more proud of the girls. They continue to make the honor roll, and Brooke has a 3.85 GPA. Brooke is going to be driving this summer & I can't wait to take her car shopping. She is truly growing up way too fast. I remember her first steps like it was yesterday & now I will get to watch her drive away in her own car. Ron & I are so blessed. I can't imagine life without these kids. Kelsey is going away to camp soon & I am having a hard time letting her go. She is so excited but I am worried since she just recovered from breaking her arm in 2 places. Rachel & her BFF Hannah have been reminding me of how fun they were as little kids. I bought some play doh & they remembered how fun it was to be toddlers. I know someday I will have a quiet house & I will miss this. I try to cherish every second of the day I have with them.

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